PRONAMP - National Support Program for Medium Producers

  • R$ 600,000.00 limit for investments;
  • Term of up to 7 years with grace period of up to 14 months;
  • Prefixed interest of 10.5% per year;
  • Limit up to 100% of the financed asset.

How to order:

  • The interested party should contact the accredited financial institution of their choice, which will inform the necessary documentation, analyze the possibility of granting credit and negotiate the guarantees. After approval by the institution, the operation will be sent for approval and subsequent release of funds by BNDES;
  • Banco do Brasil, Banco DLL, Banco Bradesco, Banco Santander and Caixa Econômica Federal.

* Data for information purposes only, and may be changed according to the regulations of Organs competent bodies.