The Federal Government's Mais Alimentos program offers a line of credit for the small Brazilian farmer to increase their productivity, assists the farmer in investments in rural property infrastructure in modernization and acquisition of machinery and of new equipment.


  • Limit of R$600,000.00 for fruit farming, shrimp farming, pig farming, poultry farming, aquaculture;
  • R$ 210,000.00 limit for other cultures;
  • Term of 7 years with a grace period of up to 14 months;
  • Prefixed interest of 5% per year;
    Limit of up to 100% of the financed asset that does not exceed R$210,000.00.

How to acquire:

  • The farmer must have the DAP (Declaration of Aptitude for Pronaf); 
  • Seek your municipality's Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) entity and ask for the project to be prepared. The technicians will evaluate the registration data and the feasibility of your project;
  • Then, assess your credit capacity with your municipality's financial agent that operates with Pronaf. A study will be carried out, and the credit agent will give authorization to proceed with the project;
  • Seek the Agritech dealership that sells the chosen tractor or implement in your region to place the order. Once the negotiation is completed, request the issuance of the concessionaire's order and return to the ATER entity to forward the order, which will be part of the project that will go to the financial agent;
  • The financial agent informs the approval of the purchase to the ATER entity and to Agritech. The ATER entity informs the farmer and the Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA). Agritech informs the concessionaire;
  • The financial agent, with the information about the financed asset, fills in the credit instrument and formalizes the credit operation;
  • Agritech processes the billing, issues the invoice and arranges the transport of the product to the dealer;
  • The concessionaire sends a copy of the product's invoice to the financial agent to release the financing and arranges for delivery to the farmer.

More information:

MCR 6.2 (RO)


  • Fixed Rate: 5.5 % pa;
    Amortization period of up to 5 (five) years;
  • Financing limited to R$ 300,000.00 per farmer;
  • Grace: Up to 1 year;
  • Banks: Brazil, Bradesco, Santander, etc;

NOTE. Resources are available in periods of Fairs, such as Agrishow*. Data for information purposes only, and may be changed according to the rules of Organs competent bodies.


PRONAMP - National Support Program for Medium Producers

  • R$ 600,000.00 limit for investments;
  • Term of up to 7 years with grace period of up to 14 months;
  • Prefixed interest of 10.5% per year;
  • Limit up to 100% of the financed asset.

How to order:Como solicitar:

  • The interested party should contact the accredited financial institution of their choice, which will inform the necessary documentation, analyze the possibility of granting credit and negotiate the guarantees. After approval by the institution, the operation will be sent for approval and subsequent release of funds by BNDES;
  • Banco do Brasil, Banco DLL, Banco Bradesco, Banco Santander and Caixa Econômica Federal.

* Data for information purposes only, and may be changed according to the regulations of Organs competent bodies.



    • No Registration Fee;
    • No Reserve Fund;
    • Reduced Quotas;
    • Factory Guaranteed Delivery;
    • Monthly, quarterly, semiannual and annual payments;
    • Plans within 100 months.

* Data for information purposes only, and may be changed according to the regulations of Organs competent bodies.




  • Income up to 45 million: pre-fixed interest of 12.5% per annum;
  • Term of 7 years, with a grace period of 14 months;
  • Financing up to 85% of the machine value.